Friday, February 26, 2010

Three Cups of Tea

Another book I recently read; Three Cups of Tea. This is the youth version, actually. I often read the youth books, just to keep up with what they have available. This is the autobiographical account of a man who was challenged to begin schools in remote areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. I enjoyed the book, but do be aware it has a bit of a slant towards political correctness. That doesn't dampen the story, but since it is youth oriented they can be more susceptible to those overtones. 

It would be great to have all students read this. The emphasis on education for those that must struggle to get it puts our ingratitude to shame. Afghan girls would do their lessons in the open air and write times tables with sticks in the dirt - but yet they faithfully did those lessons in order to learn, even when a teacher could not be there. Our students can't seem to function without calculators and laptops. 

A good read, and can lead to many interesting discussions with your children.

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