This is a devotional book for girl's (and young ladies.) My daughter (18) and I read this book, and I will be giving it to my granddaughter for a gift. It is excellent. The drawings are adorable (though it could have been even more multi-cultural than it is) and printed on nice quality, glossy paper. Each topic is a 2 page spread. The first 4 lines give a summary of the topic - then applicable Bible verses are quoted. Younger girls will need to be instructed on how to use the book - or even better - read it together with a significant adult. As the years go by, the child will then be able to use it as a comforting devotional guide on their own.
A devotional book is a great way to find help in time of need and learn to turn one's heart to God first in life's trials and complexities. This is a superb first devotional for girl's that can become a comfort to them well into adulthood. I highly recommend it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Book Sneeze as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
5 months ago